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Outkast Aquemini

Classic hip hop!

And yup, I totally forgot about all the characters and stuff in the background lol. (I never liked the original cover much to be honest, lens flares are tacky.)

The Beatles Revolver

That's supposed to be Paul McCarney in front, George Harrison on the right (I had no idea what he looked like so I imagined him as a cute friendly lumberjack — just looked him up and he doesn't look like that at all, oh well), Third Beatle I Forgot Was Ringo Starr So I Just Drew a Generic Pretty Young Man on the left, and John Lennon in the back who I don't like drawing him for personal reasons. And random stuff because I forgot what was in the photographs.

Sophie Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides

Moving and uplifting pop songs. Almost unbearably harsh noise cuts. Atmospheric tracks. Manipulated and artificial sounds, heartfelt and personal songwriting. One of this era's most important recordings, and I'm not just saying that because she just died! RIP.

MF DOOM Mm.. Food?

Packed full with ideas, hooks, uncommon tempos — not that easy to get into, but a great hip hop album. Another major artist we'll miss. I've never figured out what the hell he's eating in the original cover though!

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