Naïssam Jalal ❀ Quest of the Invisible
Solemn, nocturnal, beautiful and such a change from my usual electronic listens. Flute in Arabic jazz is a wonderful thing.
Thanks to snow_over_mongolia for the recommendation!
▷ Web page (in French)
Maurice Louca ❀ Saet El Hazz (The Luck Hour)
And this one is Arabic experimental folk, different but also nocturnal and immersive — a beautiful calm atmosphere and custom versions of traditional instruments played microtonally (though the timbres also stand out as interesting and unusual).
Thanks to Odiopal for the recommendation!
▷ Bandcamp
Material Girl ❀ Drujjha
Could be my favourite release by him so far? “Material Girl Meets the Devil Pt. 2” is definitely my favourite track of his (he’s so good at packing intense emotions into a few lines), and the rest is all really good too — melancholic, experimental, occasionally jazzy (the closer especially). “We Both Know It’s True” contains some minimal shrill tones and several minutes of silence, which may put some listeners off but you know I’m into this kind of thing. (Speaking of which, ↓)
▷ Bandcamp
Inge Marie ❀ Collected Birdsong Recordings, 2020–2021
Harsh and beautiful. This features ear-splitting tones (biting cold) which makes it impossible to listen to on headphones for me (speakers it is), but over some ambient tracks that truly resonate with me, sometimes massive and distant, at other times intimate and warm. Of all the EAI-related works I’ve listened to, this counts among my favourites — and a rare one I find evocative instead of being fully abstract. The cover art is spot on.
Thank you Inge for making this!
▷ Bandcamp
Radiohead ❀ Kid A Mnesia Exhibition
Did you also doodle Radiohead bears in the margins of your school notebooks? If you’re gen Y like me, did you like Radiohead’s website, with the mixed media pictures, labyrinthine links, videos and cryptic / mood texts? I was all over that at the time and I still am (actually I tried to make my own website a bit like that).
This digital exhibition is great — it expands on their ideas in all kind of cool ways that may not have been technically possible at the time. (Also some of the lyrics and texts make more sense to me now than they did then — especially the ones that have anything to do with politics.) You don’t get to swim and explore the flooded city from the original “Pyramid Song” video, but the experiences you get instead are worth it!
▷ Official website (free on PC (on Epic Games only though) and PS5)
▷ Glitchwave
Naoko Yamada ❀ Liz and the Blue Bird
Watched this on New Year’s Eve — I’m always kind of sad then because I’m not sure I really want to go out and drink and party with friends but I still feel bad when I don’t get to, so watching a film is one of my favourite things to do.
A simple unrequited love story between two musicians. The story is minimal and it all happens at a slow pace, in a small setting, which makes it all the more moving maybe. It was nice!
Lexie Liu ❀ The Happy Star
Even better than Gone Gold — this is the kind of sleek, colourful, big-budget catchy pop I love! ♥
▷ Youtube
Propergol ❀ Ground Proximity Warning System
Noxious industrial fumes and recordings from cockpits and airports of unknown provenances — perhaps documents before actual catastrophes, or it could be all fiction? This sounds atmospheric enough to make for great background listening, yet it could also be very disturbing depending on how you hear it.
Thanks to Phivium for the recommendation!
Ammer / Einheit mit Pan Sonic und Gry ❀ Frost 79° 40’
And I was going to make a parallel with Ammer / Einheit’s Crashing Aeroplanes, which is great on a similar theme, but I think I like this one even more: a musical play about Scott Amundsen’s tragic expedition, narrated by a female voice in English while Günter Rüger plays the role of Amundsen in German (great voice acting from both), over experimental, dramatic and dynamic electronics. Does it sound cold? Yes and no, it’s more like a cruel but very exciting show!
Thanks to Birds for the recommendation!
V/A (Haunter Records) ❀ forever
A long collection of post-industrial beats (somewhere between electro-industrial, dark ambient and deconstructed club) which I admit I downloaded just because of the cover — but it’s solid, consistently interesting, and has a cohesive surreal atmosphere.
One of the most memorable tracks in there is “Permanent Mute” by Helm, which goes DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN beeep DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN beeep DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN beeep with accidental sounds (rattling, glass bottles clinking, synths, glitches) — super simple but haunting.
▷ Bandcamp
Grimório de Abril ❀ A Lung Full of Flowers
Got this because I loved the intense purple on the cover! It’s good, like medieval sacred music fragments, distorted, decontextualized, repurposed to build an environment that’s weirdly sensual with faux mystical tones and a psychedelic, otherworldly feel.
▷ Bandcamp
The Legendary Pink Dots ❀ Chemical Playschool 15
Even stranger than the other albums I’ve heard by them, and with a different pace; dark, alluring, introspective, psychedelic long tracks, they have vocals but do not really feel like songs. More felt, more abstract, less constructed. Closer to ambient experiments, often atonal, dissonant. And the lyrics are as good as you’d expect from Ka-Spel, still my favourite storyteller in music.
Keep an ear out for my screams.
▷ Bandcamp
Deadbeat ❀ Drawn and Quartered
Sleek, electric, complex, lively dub techno.
▷ Bandcamp
Sault ❀
My two-cent takes on their latest five (!) albums (love this band, among my favourite neo-soul projects):
Earth is my favourite of the bunch, it’s one of the best records in their discography, love the batucada elements!;
11 feels like its sibling album and is also really good, with occasional dub and reggae elements (which they had already explored briefly on the 10 single, the same vocalist is back on this album, he’s good);
Today & Tomorrow... nah. The rock guitars just hold them back, all tracks end up sounding the same, lacking grooves and energy. Cool cover art but that’s about it;
(Untitled) God is a bit uneven but good, with some truly great tracks (the closer especially), a couple of misses and is generally a bit too long, like Untitled (Black Is) and Untitled (Rise) before it. Recommended for fans;
AIIR, while not essential, was a nice surprise — I expected it to be like AIR (their first modern classical, instrumental record with an orchestra and choirs and all, which I found more surprising than moving), but this one speaks to me more, it sounds more human and not just trying to be ethereal.
▷ Bandcamp
Pillow Fight ❀ We Know the Devil
At first I was scared by the official description because it sounded like it would be a cruel and disturbing story, but… the themes and mild content warnings convinced me to give it a try anyway. Good thing I did.
It’s very short, but I love the characters, the soundtrack (especially when it gets loud and intense towards the end) and how the story only makes sense when you can relate to it emotionally. I think this could resonate with you very strongly or miss you entirely depending on who you are (your relationship to religion, to other people, how queer you are?). Aim for the three normal endings then the true one (it doesn’t take long and you can fast forward all the parts you’ve already seen) — it gets better and better as you get to know the characters more, and the story just isn’t complete without the true ending.
And yes, Venus is everybody’s favourite and mine too because she’s the most relatable character I can think of right now, not just because she’s trans but the shyness, the awkwardness, the way she keeps her distances, eludes social situations by playing dumb. I know I’m not the only one.
Am I ever glad to be myself, weird and wonky and free now, to see myself and be seen as myself, rather than trying to be invisible and averting my eyes from all mirrors.
I really wouldn’t mind spending more time with these characters. Like a comic book with them, I’d be all over that. Going to look at some fan art now.
▷ Itch.io
▷ Glitchwave